Thursday, June 02, 2011

No All Party Parliamentary Support for NATO War On Libya


June 2nd 2011

Don Currie Chair, Canadians for Peace and Socialism (CPS)
Box 168 Slocan BC
V0G 2C0

Phone: 250 355 2669

No All-Party Parliamentary Support for Prime Minister Harper’s US -NATO War on Libya!

The US-NATO war of terror against Libya is designed to send a message to all of the people of the Middle East and Africa that governments and movements of the people that lack the approval of US-NATO potentates such as Prime Minister Harper will face murderous punishment, using the most advanced weaponry.

The US-NATO war on Libya is poised to enter a new and more dangerous phase with the deployment of massive US-NATO sea, air and land forces . A land invasion is planned. Canadian armed forces will be part of this aggression.

The leaders of the US-NATO North Atlantic-Euro alliance, calling themselves the “international community”, presume to set the international standard of governance for all countries of the world. Those who don’t abide by that standard will be militarily attacked.

Leaders lacking the approval of the US-NATO overlords are routinely demonized and assassinated. Governments are overthrown and replaced, civilians killed, their homes, their schools, their hospitals, their environment destroyed at will. Leaders and Governments that defy the US-NATO overlords and attempt to dispose of their own oil and other resources, build economies that suit their needs, conduct their internal affairs as they see fit, without first seeking the approval of US-G8-NATO potentates are bombed into the dark ages. In essence, that is the foreign policy of the Conservative Government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

A majority of Canadians have not decided that Prime Minister Harper’s foreign policy has their support. Recent polls suggest otherwise. Even many Conservatives do not support US-NATO aggression.

The collusion among all of the parties during the federal election to mute foreign policy debate made it difficult for Canadians to voice their opinion on these crucial issues. Failure to discuss foreign policy helped Prime Minister Harper win a majority.

Given the opportunity to express their opinion it is doubtful if the current war policy of the Conservative Government would be supported by a majority of Canadians. Canadian public opinion has time and again supported a foreign policy of peace and diplomacy, not war and propaganda.

It is time to say, that there are principles that are greater than upholding convenient UN Resolutions that are simply contrivances of the G8 powers to do an end run around the principles of the UN Charter. Resolutions that permit the most powerful armed states in the world to launch pre-emptive war against small weaker states is still an international crime that is not absolved because it is sanctioned by a UN Security Council resolution.

Libya is a member state of the UN. Libya poses no threat nor done any harm to Canadians. UN Resolution 1973 ostensibly to protect Libyan civilians has been super-ceded by the US –NATO doctrine of regime change, a device to overthrow any government unwilling to live on its knees. The reward for the US-NATO aggressors is to possess and divide up the Libyan oil fields as booty.

Prime Minister Harper has placed the strategic goals of the USA above the peace and security of Canada and its people. Canadian Government participation in NATO serial wars in Central Asia, the Middle East and now North Africa will bring Canada and its people to harm.

The Harper Conservative Government chooses war as the first option of its foreign and military policy. Prime Minister Harper has no peace policy, no policies of diplomacy. Prime Minister Harper rejects out of hand all proposals for cease fire, third party mediation, any policy except the NATO strategy of shock and awe war and regime change.

The Harper Conservative Government, not satisfied with participation in one foreign war of aggression now seeks to involve Canada, its armed forces and its youth in others. The USA has targeted Iran, Syria and North Korea as countries having governments it seeks to overthrow. Cuba is another. The Harper Doctrine is to provide knee jerk uncritical support to any US instigated war.

Such a failure of policy cannot continue to be supported.

Continuation of the US-NATO war against Libya will further inflame regional and global tensions and ignite further conflicts.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper has returned from the G8 demanding all MP’s rubber stamp an open-ended NATO war of aggression and regime change against the sovereign state of Libya. Prime Minister Harper expects all-party Parliamentary approval to continue Canadian Armed Forces bombing of Tripoli until Muammar Qaddafi is dead, Libya is in ruins, and a rebel government in waiting in Washington is installed on the rubble in Tripoli. The NATO mission will then be completed and the Libyan oil fields can be divided among the big oil investors of the G8 states.

Prime Minister Harper asserts there is no international role for Canada to play except by Canadian CF18’s continuing to drop hundreds more laser guided bombs on Libya, killing Libyan citizens, men women and children, and destroying the vital civilian infrastructure that provided them with one of the highest standards of living in North Africa.

All party endorsement of the Harper Conservative government policy of support for NATO serial wars of regime change would be an admission of failure on the part of all of the opposition parties and that they also have abandoned any pretense of an independent Canadian foreign policy of peace.

It is time to end this abject support for US-NATO wars.

No All Party Support for Prime Minister Harper’s War Policy! Canada Out of Afghanistan! Out of Libya!

Left Turn Canada!