Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Coalition!

The Coalition!

Majority Government Prepared to Govern - Or Timorous Prop for a Lame Duck Minority Harper Government?

When will the Liberal NDP Coalition begin to act like a majority government poised to take power on behalf of the disenfranchised 62% majority?

Michael Ignatieff is lapsing into his familiar and comfortable role as an academic advisor to the rich and powerful instead of a Coalition Prime Minister prepared to take power on behalf of the people of Canada.

Coalition inaction is breathing life into a gasping Harper Minority Government instead of preparing to deal it a crushing defeat on January 27th.

Liberal establishment meddling, behind the backs of its coalition partners and more egregious, the 62% majority that supports it, has paved the way for the appointment by Finance Minister Flaherty of a non-elected big business Economic Council that will have a greater say over the federal budget than the 162 elected coalition MP’s.

There is not a single labour representative to be seen among Jim Flaherty’s gold plated luminaries. It is doubtful if any self-respecting labour leader would want to be associated with such capitalist glitterati.
Flaherty has recruited former B.C. finance minister Carole Taylor, James D. Irving from the New Brunswick Irving Empire, James A. Pattison, applauded in corporate circles for his singular ruthless pursuit of wealth, University of Calgary professor Jack Mintz, who is the former president and CEO of the right wing C.D. Howe Institute and a frequent columnist for Can West Financial Post and Montreal financier Paul Desmarais of Power Corporation, a major behind the scenes player in the selection of Canadian Prime Ministers from Trudeau and Mulroney to Chretien and Martin.

Organized Labour must appoint its own Economic Council and a shadow cabinet of working people representing the 62% majority and outline a democratic people’s economic program for Canada.

There are many honest left-labour economists that have no other agenda than what is in the best interests of working people as the country slides into depression. The people need their help. The Coalition Policy Accord is a good start. Use it, develop it, publicize it, fight for it…

Left Turn Canada!

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