Thursday, November 06, 2008

The 44th President of the USA

The Way I See It
Don Currie Chair CPS

By electing Barack Obama their 44th President, the people of the USA, as is their inalienable right, are determining their own destiny. It is not yet clear if in voting for a program of change, if that change includes recognition and support of the inalienable right of other peoples to do likewise.

Will an Obama Government greet with grace and equanimity, the pronouncements of other peoples that they also love their country and believe they also live “in the best country in the world” and also insist on saying so and doing so without the permission or interference of US imperialism?

In the appeals for unity and reconciliation expressed in both the concession speech of Senator McCain and the victory speech of President elect Obama it is not clear if those appeals are for a long overdue retreat from empire and acceptance by the people of the USA of the necessity to live as others do, within their own borders and within their own means, or whether the appeal for unity is around a new, revised and perhaps less belligerent version of US imperial destiny.

While the former is the business of the people of the USA the latter is the business of the people of the world.

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