Friday, November 07, 2008

A "Made-for-Canada" Economic Plan

Prime Minister Harper, Stephane Dion, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe are huddled with their advisors transfixed as they await President elect Barack Obama’s first press conference this afternoon and his “made-for-USA” plan to make Canada and the world pay for the Bush administration’s war-induced world economic melt down.

Finance Minister Flaherty is praying that Obama will say something, anything; that will help him explain to Canadians why the Harper Government has no “made-for-Canada” economic plan to save Canadian jobs.

There is no sign that Dion, Layton and Duceppe have even talked about a united opposition plan for a “made-in-Canada” economic plan to protect Canada from the plan of U.S. finance capital to off-load its problems on the world. Their “we are all in this together” approach is an admission of political impotence and bankruptcy.

The news out of GM and Ford today and the economic bad news reported in the Edmonton Journal about looming job loss in the energy sector, challenges organized labour and the left to do what the Harper Government and a paralyzed opposition won’t do – act on behalf of the Canadian working class.

In the first place that means to organize labour led community committees to save Canadian industry.
  • What has been built in Canada, what has been paid for by Canadians stays in Canada.
  • No dismantling of Canadian production facilities for shipment to the USA.
  • Nationalize energy and use it in Canada first to fuel Canadian industry and manufacturing.
  • No public funds for private banks.
  • Working class family income loss trumps Canadian investor losses.

Left Turn Canada!

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